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ACADEMY  3 years +   Max 4 in a Class




In this class, you will be taken from being a complete non swimmer through to swimming up to 10 metres on your front and back. You will develop basic stroke technique for front crawl and back crawl, learn shallow water skills, overcome your fears and develop confidence in the water.



Within this class you will continue developing your swimming technique to enable you to swim 10 metres of Front crawl, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly. You will also learn to tread water and develop some deep water skills.



Continuing your progress the next level’s emphasis is to increase efficiency in all four competitive strokes. Now you will develop greater stamina and a more effective stroke technique in breaststroke, back crawl, front crawl and butterfly over 50 metres. An increased number of water skills are introduced together with personal survival.








 Max 4 in a Class




 Max 4 in a Class


 Max 4 in a Class

 (No onlookers)